Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Reflections on a Semester

   What did you learn about photography that you did not know before?

    I learned a lot in this class, and it's actually stuff that I will use in life unlike some subjects *cough* algebra 2 *cough*. To be more specific, I learned about apature, film, how to make negatives, why photos come out the way they do, how cameras work, and a lot more. But probably the most important thing i learned about was Photoshop, I can apply that knowledge to so many things. I have always loved photography and I think that this class really gave me perspective on the reality of it.

What did you learn about yourself this semester?

    What did i learn about myself? Well I learned that im quite impatience at times. I'm pretty dang loud. And that I'm not creative on my own. But I also learned that I can quickly point out problems and fix them without having to give a lot of effort. I also learned that I am really good at following direct directions. I learned that i really do like photography, and that I have to find a way to make it a part of my life.

What did you wish we had done that we did not?

     I didn't come into this class really hoping to do one thing particular, and we covered everything that I was expecting us to. We didn't spend a lot of time with film, and frankly, I am perfectly happy with that. Sure it's a fun thing to learn, but our generation is past that time; we should focus on digital, which is exactly what we did. I think we covered everything important.

What was your struggle

    I struggled with the camera quality. I used my mom's old Olympus point and shoot at first and later switched over to my iPhone 5 camera. My phone camera worked well, I was able to get a lot of control over it through different apps, but it always tried to adjust with the light so it didn't roll well with with the light photos. I struggled with talking. I also struggled with the enlargers. Not with doing the actual project, no, that was easy. But with just doing the dang test strips! I dont know why i struggled with this so much, but I did.

What did you conquer?

    What did I conquer? hmm.... I don't really know to to respond to that. I guess I conquered my cameras lack of flexibility. And Photoshop. And those freaking enlargers (Ha). But there wasn't anything huge. I think I waged a good war against the right side of my brain, but I'm simply to realistic and engineer-like to be really creative on my own.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

All of the Light

This project was very simple, but I had a few problems with it. I was using my iPhone camera so it kept trying to adjust to the light and it ruined all the silhouettes. I also was confined to a small room because my mom wouldn't let me turn off every light in the house for an hour (surprise surprise). I like direct light better than silhouettes because i like the shadows. I learned not to use an automatic camera for silhouette photographs.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

180° Panorama

This was taken at my dad's house in a loft area. The stair poles were a nightmare D: